INGREDIENTS: black tea
How to prepare:
1 tsp per cup or 15-18 g/l
Temperature 100°C
Brewing time: 3-5 min
Now you don't have to worry about caffeine, you can enjoy tea even in the late evenings or have many more of them during the day!
If you are looking for a decaffeinated option this one would be the perfect choice for you.
- N°1 specialty tea quality
- Whole leaf = full taste
- Processed with a flavour-protecting methods
- The only decaf that tastes like 'real tea'
- If you are looking for a decaffeinated option this one
would be the perfect choice for you
- Processed with a flavor-protecting method,
the tea keeps its fine flavour
- Decaf tea allows you to drink your favourite beverage
without worrying about feeling wired or full of energy
- You can mix it up with a decaf herbal blend before bed and
sleep peacefully and a rejuvenating
- Ceylon tea is a popular type of black tea that is also
known as Sri Lankan tea
- Served as an iced tea or nice and warm, it is a favourite
beverage for many tea drinkers
- Decaf Ceylon is the only Decaf that tastes like "real tea."